Installing HVAC in Your Business Premises

Should You Install Underfloor Air Conditioning Instead?

If you are thinking about building your own home from scratch, you'll want to use some of the latest technologies and thought processes to make it liveable and efficient. If so, you'll want to look at one area in particular and see if you can make heating and air conditioning work well while maximising your available space. In this case, why should you look at underfloor HVAC systems instead?

More Efficient Use of Space

Traditionally, an HVAC system that delivers conditioned air to the entire property relies on ducting networks installed above the ceiling or in the attic. This can take up quite a lot of space and may certainly have an impact on your overall design. However, if you think about featuring a raised floor instead, you can use the void underneath for your air conditioning needs and may be able to install much higher ceilings as a consequence. You may be able to make the home's general design feel more light and airy or take advantage of those trendy cathedral ceilings.

With a system like this, you'll rely on air supply and return that is all situated at ground level. You won't need much space to accommodate the fans and associated cabling either.

Zone Structure

Typically, the property should be divided into individual zones, and each will be equipped with an air handling unit. A fan terminal is then used to deliver the air to the zone, and eventually, it will eventually flow back to a conditioned air module for reconditioning.

Designing the System

You will need to account for floor-based grilles and ducts, all strategically placed and designed for optimal circulation. Underneath the floor will be special baffles that segregate the zones and make sure that the area is separated into supply and return feeds. Some systems rely on ceiling-mounted grilles for return air, which is then routed back to the conditioning unit to restart the cycle.

Moving Forward

This is certainly a different approach to conventional ducted HVAC, but it's certainly cutting edge and less intrusive. Work with your designers and builders to make sure that your floor system is suitably configured and that you have enough access space to get everything installed. The entire floor area will need to be airtight for maximum effectiveness, but you should work with your HVAC installer to arrive at the correct specifications. If you have any more questions, ask your installer for their help.

For more information on underfloor home air conditioning, contact a professional near you.