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Ways an Air Conditioner Improves the Home Atmosphere

An air conditioner can provide a complete system to improve the atmosphere in your home. Here are three ways it can achieve this.

Comfortable Temperature

Of course, an air conditioner keeps your home comfortable at your preferred temperature. You can programme the thermostat to turn the cooling on or off at set times. A smart thermostat will give you extra benefits. If you're out, you can adjust the temperature on the run and ignore whatever's programmed. So if you're arriving home unexpectedly early, you can cool the house first. Some smart systems can read the motion sensors in a room, so they can turn the cooling down or off if no one is there.


An air conditioner automatically dehumidifies a room because of the way it functions. As the room air is pulled through the indoor unit, the moisture is extracted. This means you won't have to suffer in a cool and clammy atmosphere. Some air conditioners have a specific dry mode that can extract moisture but not cool it.

If you dry your laundry inside regularly or do a lot of cooking, this can help prevent mould and mildew problems in your home. Because windows should typically be kept shut when you have the air conditioning on, having a way to remove the humidity that results from everyday activities is important.


Air conditioners can also help remove dust and impurities from the air. The filter in the indoor unit traps particles so they can't reenter the room. Over time, the dust will lessen. You can also choose a model that has extra capabilities for purifying the air. Many of these use technology rather than a filter to trap bacteria and other impurities indoor unit traps particles so they can't reenter the room. Over time, the dust will lessen. You can also choose a model that has extra capabilities for purifying the air. Many of these use technology rather than a filter to trap bacteria and other impurities. One of these models that reduces pollution may be the perfect way to improve your home for asthma or allergy sufferers.

Fan Setting

Sometimes you may not want to cool your house, but you want to enjoy a breeze on your face. You can achieve this with an air conditioner that has a fan-only setting. In this mode, the air conditioner can circulate the air around the room, making the environment fresher.

A split-system air conditioner had a unit on the wall, typically with oscillating louvres that you could adjust up or down. Some models let you move the louvres sideways as well, giving you more control over the direction of the airflow.

Adjustable louvres are especially helpful if you have reverse-cycle air conditioning and have been heating your home. Warm air rises and tends to collect around the ceiling. You could put the air conditioner on the fan setting only and direct it upwards so the warm air disperses. 

For more information about air conditioning, contact a local professional.